Saturday, December 15, 2007

when i start going crazy from writing papers and it's dangerous that i have a camera on my computer

I take ridiculous breaks. Here's this from the other night...

An excerpt of one of my crazy-making papers:
...In its depiction of a transatlantic circuit of transit and exchange, The Secret History complicates the binary between colonizer and colonized, white and black, center and periphery. It is for this reason, its Creole nature, that Elizabeth Dillon argues the book has “remained hidden in plain sight,” overlooked by contemporaneous readers and contemporary critics alike; to the extent that, as per Benedict Anderson, the novel participates in the project of building an imagined national community, Sansay’s community is based on the Creole, rather than the black/white dichotomy the United States ostensibly founded itself on...

Two excerpts of me being silly:

This one is entitled "Faces You Never See Yourself Making"

This one is entitled "Portrait of the Artist as Spunky 80's Lady Trucker"

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