Sunday, October 22, 2006


In my dream I watched one of those "Monster Trucks" (as in Sunday Sunday Sunday at the Arena) drive over a smaller car and get stuck. I wanted to run away from the fire I worried would start, but PC was there and convinced me I should help rescue the children who she somehow knew would be inside. We broke in - suddenly it was an RV - and helped the children out. We had to step on hot flames. We had them jump into the mud and this was soft so they were fine. I was holding a child in my arms, running from the flames, when I woke up.

First thing I look at the news. On the Boston Globe Website, front page news, is a picture of a fireman holding a child in his arms, rescuing her from a fire. Not prescience, but still eerie.

Here at my favorite coffee shop in town, I am working next to a tapestry in the Velvet Elvis mode of Pope John Paul II. His thumb is stuck in a book.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

His thumb in a book! I love it!