Sunday, February 03, 2008

snow blankets the heart

The mating pair of cardinals has come back to my window, which seems like it should signify spring, but I'm not so sure. Even with the sun, it's still hardcore winter as far as I'm concerned. Last night we made sweet potato pancakes and pea soup with mint and salad with fennel, or finnochi as you say if you're in my family, and everything was perfect and warm for winter. I wish I had pictures. I've been wintering in, I suppose, lately, huddling under layers of clothing and blankets, reading and writing. I'm going to take a walk in the cemetery soon. There's too much of this town to haunt before I go away.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm . . . your house sounds so cozy. And we have a ton of snow here today. It just keeps comin' down!!

And a walk through the cemetary?? Sounds wonderful! I love cemetaries. Something so peaceful about them.

Megan Savage said...

Aw, thank you and thanks for coming over to my blog...I don't get a lot of strangers to welcome. I like to live by cemeteries; I find them very comforting.